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"I wish I had realized that family history is a perishable commodity. It disappears with time, as memories fade, and as loved ones pass on. I wish I had known that the most important aspect of family history is preserving a record of the present for the future." Guy Black

What’s the real story behind your great-grandmother’s broach or your grandfather’s pocket watch? Were you named after your crazy aunt that you want to capture in a portrait? Are there old black and white photos that beg to have their story told? Maybe you want to tell the story of your own life. Are you hoping to capture those significant memories in an emotionally truthful way? No matter your skill level or experience, these are the stories that Audra can help you get down on paper.

Audra offers one on one instruction for creative non-fiction/memoir writers at any stage in their creative writing process. Her goal is to help you find and develop the particulars that capture the deep significance of these memories. She will provide you with the many tools of craft, that when applied, will best capture the story you have come to tell.

Does the piece need more concrete detail? A better balance between narration and scene? What scenes need to be rendered more fully? Is the dialogue both natural and believable? Does the piece need a more distinctive voice? What parts need to be cut? What structure would best serve the piece? Are there awkward sentences that need a solid re-write?

She’ll not only help you to answer these questions, but also provide you with specific instruction on how to best make any of those needed changes. She is available to help in the earliest stages of discovery through the final stages of revising and editing.

In person, Zoom and tele-conferencing sessions are available at $90 an hour. Reading fee for anything over fifteen pages.



"Audra has the right qualities to be an excellent writing teacher. She is quick with positive encouragement, astute when making suggestions for improvement and compassionate when helping with difficult memoir stories. When I've been stuck, she has offered multiple perspectives to get me moving again. I look forward to learning from Audra for a long time."

"Audra is a phenomenal teacher. She has the knowledge and a variety of creative techniques to teach her students the skeleton required for writing: the craft of structure, dialogue, characterization etc. She will make your work more effective and give you the tools to make all your future work better. But, she truly shines in her ability to help you get to the guts of making your work honest and powerful. She is a sensitive and insightful reader, able to pull out interesting themes and give you strategies for how to expand on these. It is this skill, and her ability to help students discover those themes within themselves, that allows her students to learn to create truly meaningful work. When you add her sense of humor, enthusiasm, and kindness to this, she has the ability to draw out the best in all of her students. I simply can't say enough about, Audra. One of the best teachers I've ever had in any subject!"

"Audra has an uncanny ability to nurture creativity in others. With thoughtful freewriting prompts, she dramatically improved my writing in just a few short weeks. I was amazed at how I grew and blossomed as a writer under her tutelage. She gently guided me as I explored complex, emotional subjects in my work and helped me transform my writing from a series of messy journal entries into a publication-ready essay. She gave me the confidence and skills to stick with a creative endeavor that I love, and for that I couldn't be more grateful."

"Audra Coleman has played a vital part in my growth as a writer. Having taken part in writing groups for over 20 years, I can safely say that Audra is one of the safest and most insightful mentors I have ever had. I was introduced to Audra through the Great Smokies Writing Program and have taken three courses with her. Each session has been invaluable and rich with content as well as encouragement. Audra offers her expertise as a writer and instructor along with the depth of her intuitive skills to draw out the essence of what a writer is trying to say on a page. In class as well as one-on-one mentoring, Audra provided helpful writing strategies I never would have imagined finding on my own. She has a gentle, honest, and empathetic nature that makes working together easy. Without a doubt, I am eternally grateful to have found an instructor and mentor in Audra."

"Audra Coleman is a writer's writing instructor and coach. She's done more to move my story from the recesses of my brain onto the page than any instructor I've ever had. Ms. Coleman taught me to be ruthless and fearless in revision so I can uncover and discover the heart of the story I want to tell."

"Audra has an amazing ability to read inside what I’ve written, to find the meaning I am trying to convey and make suggestions about how to improve my writing. Every time I have submitted a piece of writing to her, either in a class or as a private coach, she has given concentrated time and energy to my work and helped me produce a more-refined and better-written essay, story, etc. I totally recommend her as a writing teacher and coach!"